Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Share and Voice: A Green Greenhouse

Hey Everyone!

I have always been interested in identifying different types of plants. I think I have acquired that knowledge because my ma happens to be a floral designer so I suppose it makes sense. Now I'm not the one to really further my education into becoming a plant taxonomist because its really just a small side hobby for me. It's really just nice to have this green piece of life by you which also happens to be beneficial by reducing CO2. Well I guess the main point of this post is that while I was sitting at my desk with my bonsai ficus tree (I encourage everyone to get one) and jade plant perched on the window sill, I was wondering if there "green homes" for them. By green homes (I'm sure you guessed it!) I mean green greenhouses. I'm not sure how many of you also own a couple different plant but this greenhouse I found would be a cool little home to make sure your plants get the right amount of sunlight. I found this miniature green house made entirely out of recycled plastic so you get to support the environment in two ways. The greenhouse was created by Daniel Schipper and is posted on his blog. Check it out --> Folding Greenhouse.



  1. How cool! What a great hobby! I have never really gotten into collecting plants, but it definitely seems like a great way to help the environment. You basically have your own personal air cleaner! Great job on your post!

  2. ya its a healthy way to built environment
