Friday, May 1, 2009

Reflection: Week 13 & 14

And then there was one...well technically two but one week of in-class activities. It's exciting to know summer is almost here and then I can move my green thoughts to a more outdoor aspect. Maybe I'll take another compass adventure...
Week 13

I would have to say the compass expedition was the highlight of the week for me. The point of this activity was to learn the proper techniques of using a compass so that if ever it happens that you are stranded by yourself in the middle of nowhere with a compass, you just might be able to find your way out. Luckily my group (Valerie, Kathy, and Kailiegh) proved to be naturals in the arts of compass navigation. Ha. Even if we weren't Kathy's bright fuchsia shirt could have been spotted from ways away.
I missed the video "Story of Stuff" but the video on the website explained to me it was about. Wish I wouldn't of missed that day. This week we had the assignment to do an overview of our issue. This assignment was pretty simple. We had to gather information about our bill and blog about it.

Week 14

The first part of this week introduced us to careers within the Environment Health field. Along with this Dr. V. brough in a guest speak to talk to the class about his career and what he does to help with environmental health. The advocacy assignmnet for this week was to compose a letter that we would send to congressional representative regarding our thoughts and how they could help out to pass our bill we chose. The second day of this week we had to get our brains thinking on the junk side of things. Dr. V. brought in an assortment of things that may be considered junk but can also be repurposed in different ways. In our web groups we had to brainstorm ways we could repupose each item.

At first I thought this advocacy proejct was goign to be stressful and a lot of work but it turned out not to be so bad. Taking it step by step made this assignment easy and quite infromative. I'm looking forward to next week's classes, especially the guest speark and pizza day!



  1. I am glad you had so much fun on our outside day last week. I found it to be pretty entertaining as well. And I agree...I don't think it would have been possible to lose Kathy in her bright pink shirt....haha. I am also glad to hear that you are enjoying the advocacy project. I am kind of avoiding starting it because it sounds like so much work, but I feel like if I just get started, it will just come to me. Good luck with these next two weeks.

  2. Ya I totally agree with you about how sweet it was to sharpen our navigation skills. It was just nice to be outside too! And I agree with you, I was dreading this advocacy project, but it really has been more of something exciting to me than anything else. Good luck the rest of the semester!

  3. It's definitely exciting to think about summer! The past two weeks were really fun.
    I agree with you, the advocacy project wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed learning about my topic and others'. Keep up the good work and good luck with rest of your semester!

  4. Sorry Im so late but good post...weeks 13 and 14 were awesome. The trip to bagley was a needed change for me and I'm glad we got to learn about using a compass. I was really dreding the advocacy project too but now that its all done im proud everyone's turned out so good.
