Friday, March 13, 2009

Share and Voice:

Hey everyone! is a video sharing website that allows companies, organizations, and people to post there video's concerning the environment. The main reason I did this post is because there is a video "Harvesting Rain," talking about a community in eastern Kenya that does not have a water system to support the community. Due to this the community has gathered together to build a system that helps them harvest rain.We talked briefly discussed harvesting rain water in class and this video shows how one community makes the most of the rain. I think its incredible how something as simple as water can bring a community together. Especially in a poor community like that of one in Kenya where many people might not think there is much they can do to change the way they live but as that community has shown, if people work together they can improve the wealth for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Noah...great find. I haven't heard of green tv before this, but it sounds really cool. I went to look at the harvesting rain video, but the link didn't work on my computer, but it sound incredibly interesting. I can't even imaging what it would be like to live in somewhere that does not have a water system to support the community. How scary. I guess I really take for granted the fact that I really don't have to worry about my own water supply. The only thing that I worry about related to water is cost. I think that it is great that the people of Kenya are gathering together to find ways to collect water. These people are amazing to me. If they can find ways to gather water without a water system; we can find ways to conserve our water. Great post!!!
